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EshopWedrop supports Leeds University Business School students

EshopWedrop has been selected to support Leeds University Business School with its student’s company marketing project (CMP).

Olia Glekezi, Digital Marketing Strategist, Xpediator Plc and Olivia Blyth, Franchise Development Manager, EshopWedrop, recently presented and briefed an audience of students regarding the EshopWedrop model and plans for expansion, including USA, Hong Kong and Indian. EshopWedrop will now work and guide 6 teams of 6 to enable the students to conduct in depth market analysis, market research and product evaluations.

Dave Gladen, Xpediator Group Marketing Manager commented “As a Group we are delighted that EshopWedrop has been selected as a project of interest by the university and look forward to supporting the students throughout the process. The CMP module is an essential part of the students MSc International Marketing Management degree where they are given the opportunity to work within a ‘live’ business environment in a consultancy capacity. We are looking forward with great interest to see the student’s final results”.

According to the Module Leader, Leeds University Business School Sally Chan, “Our students are very bright and can deal with most challenges. A large number of our students also come from overseas countries, such as, China and India and may offer practical skills that could benefit firms interested in these markets”.